Monday, December 4, 2017

Some Classic Design Terms For Making Creative Web Design | Web Designing Company India

Even in this rapidly changing digital era, some classic design terms of tremendous importance as following.

Typography : The term typography is related to the overall layout of the website, including words, images and all the arrangements of the text and images.

Grid : A framework in which rows and columns are evenly and neatly distributed to create a design is called grid. In web designing grid is very useful in organizing content in proper place.

Leading : To enhance the readability of the content, leading is used to maintain the gap between the lines of a text.

Alignment : An intellectual alignment of different elements can lead to the unique creation of websites.

Gradient : Gradients are used to create pleasant color scheme in website designing and can be seen in gradual change in various tones of colors.

Contrast : In web designing the term contrast is used for the difference between two types of elements of the website, to make it interesting.

Use of all these terms in Web Designing is essential but not sufficient as Web Designing means a correct planning and strategy to arrange all these elements with certain uniqueness.